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Thursday, May 10, 2012

What to do ?

I am a little torn, I’ve always wanted to blog which is why I started The Journey…..but lately the only time I can find time to actually sit down and write is about 4:30 in the morning when I am getting off of work.  I was thinking about starting a vlog instead?!?!?! I would love input from people, and basically it would be the same as now and I would still keep my blog I would just do video blogs more.
The main reason I want to vlog is because I got a new phone, for those of you who actually read my blog and are on FB with me know that on Tuesday night I put my phone in the washer with my work cloths : ( I was so upset I almost cried. My phone has my whole life on it! I mean I felt like I lost a friend lol! Ok well maybe not that extreme, butttttt it sucked big time. So because I was an idiot I had to go and buy a new phone. My new phone is AWESOME! And I can make videos on it which is why I want to start volging. It would just be easier for me because I don’t always have my laptop with me, and there is stuff that happens during the day and it’s just hard to sit down and take the time to type it up.
So I guess my question is how many people would actually watch it? And I may or may not end up starting a vlog, but I would love to know what ya’ll think.

Ok so now I can tell you about the bridal expo I went to with one of my bride’s maids. It was a blast! I am not sure if it’s just because she was there or what, but it was so much fun. We took pictures in a photo booth (you can see them on FB), ate cake, signed up to win stuff, etc. anyways I win something every time I go there. I feel bad though, because I won these things called wrap it! I am still not sure what they really are or how they actually work but, I won them and Becca didn’t (she’s the one who wanted to win that). I just got them in the mail today and still haven’t opened them; I might try it and if they work give the rest to her. I also won 2 free personal training sessions with a local gym. I am not sure how I feel about that because I like working out, but I like to do things like Zumba or a cardio class….not personal training. So I have to call them to set something up, but I am not exactly excited about winning that one.
We have a date picked for the bridal shower now, and I started looking at stuff for the reception. Jesse and I have completed 3 pre-marriage counseling sessions, so that means only 4 more…..yay!! haha the sessions really aren’t that bad though. Sunday night we had date night, and we went and see The Avengers!!! The movie was AMAZING! Chris Hemsworth, and Robert Downey Jr. are Gorgeous, and both of them in this movie together!! Ahhhh it’s a dream come true. I am beyond excited for the second one to come out.
Ok so we are all up to date with wedding stuff right now but, I would love to know what people think about the vlog idea. Only 5 more months!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Geeked for school! : )

Alright, so I think I am just a little too excited about starting school in June! I mean I HATED high school and my semester of college, but now I can’t wait. I was going to take a CNA class back in October, but I ended up not going because I was planning on working full time at the bank. Then I got fired (long story, that I am so over now.) so I didn’t go, and I hated myself for not going. Well now its May, and I am BEYOND excited to start.
Last night at work made me realize how badly I hate my job. I know it could be worse, but I really, really hate it! The hours suck and the pay is even worse. Not to mention, all the drunk and just plain rude and ridiculous customers that come to Taco bell so late at night! I mean who honestly needs $40 in food at 2 in the morning!?!? Anyways, back to school. So I went out and got my scrubs and shoes for class already and I seen these owl scrubs and I fell in love with them, so obviously I had to buy them. For anyone who doesn’t know I LOVE owls, at least the cute ones anyways.
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about what I want to do when I grow up, and there are a lot of options out there. I keep thinking that I would want to be a Labor and Delivery nurse, but now I am not so sure. I know I want to work with women and babies, so now I am considering becoming a midwife, or something along the lines of that. I have plenty of time to think about it, and I have a lot of schooling to do before I can do either. I figure why not start now and start looking into classes and what requirements I need to complete to do anything.
For now I will take it one day at a time, but one thing is for sure I am so over working in fast food. For now it’s a paycheck and that’s about it. I will for sure be keeping up with posts and updates on the wedding and my schooling!
Ahhhh! I LOVE them!!