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Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Hey everyone!
Ok so some of you know Jesse and I went to Ohio this past weekend for my grandma’s walk. It was so much fun! We got there on Friday night, and we were able to see my aunt and her family and one of my cousins. Saturday we went to the zoo and spent most of the day there…ill try to put the pictures on the blogs FB page…most of them are on the camera, but a few I got on my phone (I didn’t realize my phone took such good pictures) so that means it’s going to take longer to put them on to FB from the camera, because I am just too lazy to actually take the time to do it! Ha!
Sunday we went for the walk..And I was able to see most of my family that I hadn’t seen in awhile, and hang out a little bit with everyone.  They had a really good turnout for the first walk!
After the walk Jesse and I went four wheeling with my dad at one of his friend’s house…it was so much fun! His friend has chickens and one of them is called a lap chicken (I have no idea if those are even real) but she came and sat in my hand! It was so cute, she was so so soft and really mellow. After we got done we figured we would head home it was about 7 hours from where he lived so it was a long drive, but I was so happy to be home! I will put pictures on FB tomorrow probably…Jesse is yelling at me to put my laptop away because I am supposed to be watching the newest transformers movie with him right now!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Step out 4 Lillian

Hey everyone!
Ok so if you are friends with me on FB then most of you know I will be going to Ohio next weekend!!!! I am so excited!
Anyways I am going for the Step out 4 Lillian event. The event is going on to raise money for the Stepping out for Scleroderma foundation. My grandma died of scleroderma January 24, 2011 and we (the family and friends) are raising money for the walk. I started a page for fundraising today and anyone can donate and I will post the link below. Please don’t feel obligated to donate; if you do donate know that the proceeds will go to the Scleroderma Foundation Ohio Chapter.
Thanks everyone!
If you would like to donate, click the link below and it will late you to my page!

Friday, June 15, 2012

I am going to need help!

Hey everyone! Ok so sometime next hopefully..I will be making some wedding centerpieces..but I have a few different choices in mind so I will be doing a poll with pictures hopefully if I get time and I need every one to vote on which one they like best. It would be super helpful if people would actually vote and give input!
Have a great weekend everyone!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Summer time

Happy summer!!!
Summer is finally here and I am so excited! Flip flops, shorts, tank tops, tans the list goes on and on. Summer does come with a price though…school tomorrow! Excited and not so excited all at once that’s for sure. I am so happy to finally start, but that means I don’t really get a summer because for those of you who know I work at night. So school 12 to 5 and the work 8 to 3am…not much time for anything but sleep which sucks big time, and my not so tan skin is already suffering from it.
I do however get to spend time with one of my best friends and her amazingly cute daughter. The best thing about being in a “couple” is “couple” friends.  I love getting to spend time with Jesse and our friends who are together and have kids. Like tonight the four of us took the kids to get ice cream and honestly it was the most fun I had all week : )
Earlier in the week Becca and I attempted to make this mac n cheese….kind of a bust, but it was fun while we did it. Oh and cupcakes too, those turned out way better then the dinner part of the night.
Bridal shower is in a little over a month so that means on the 27 four months till the wedding!!! I am getting super excited. We are having the shower a little early because of vacations and school starting in the fall for some people, but who cares.
Alright so I have a problem with wanting to just put my wedding dress on and whatnot, but 2 weeks ago I tried it on and it was too big! Best feeling EVER! I mean the part for my boobs didn’t even fit, I almost cried when I put it on because I was so happy that it didn’t fit right anymore.
One more thing before I go, we are having trouble deciding on what favors to use for the wedding…any ideas??
Don’t forget to like us on FB

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Facebook page

Hey everyone, I made a FB page for the blog. I am currently trying to figure out how to add a “like” button or a “follow us” button to link the blog and FB together, but I am a little pressed for time right now. I might just let Jess take my laptop home and do it for me : )
Anyway I will put the link up to FB so you guys can like it and hopefully I’ll be able to keep everyone up to speed with the wedding on FB. So just click the link below and it will take you to the blogs FB page where you can like it and stay up to date with blog postings and whatnot.