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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Death by Oreo!!!! (You will need a BIG glass of milk)

 Ok so first I want to state that Pintrest is the BEST site ever! If I am not on Facebook, I am on Pintrest. For those of you who don’t know what Pintrest is, it’s an online pin board where you can “pin” things you like. If you do not have a Pintrest account I recommend getting one very soon!Anyways I have been feeling like baking/cooking something I have found on Pintrest for awhile now….well insomnia got the best of me tonight and I baked; All night. I felt the urge to go to wal-mart at 1 in the morning and get everything I needed to make these cupcakes. I will post pictures and the actual site with the recipe on it at the end of this post.
Wal-mart in general I don’t like very much, and at 1 in the morning all the drunken weird people come out. I mean have any of you seen If I am having a bad day I usually pop on over to the web page and have a good laugh at all the crazy people at Wal-Mart. Tonight was no exception by any means. I got to Wal-mart and they had the stupid aisle blocked off for waxing the floor, so I had to go all the way around to get to the baking aisle. Well then I decided I needed new frosting tips and cupcake liners even though I knew I had BOTH at home. So I walked back to the craft area to get the stuff, and this weird guy decided he was going to check me out and ask for my number even though I told him TWICE I was engaged; hence the ring on my finger.  This is one of the many reasons I hate Wal-mart.
So I finally get everything I need to make these cupcakes; by this time it’s already 1:45am. At night there are only 2 checkout lanes open, 20 items or less and the normal one...Do you think lazy people can walk to the normal checkout lane!? Nope! This guy had 25 items and he took his sweet old time checking out and talking to the cashier about this cut he has. Gross I know whatever. Once I finally get checked out I am just so ready to go home by this point it’s not funny. So I went home and started getting everything out to bake the cupcakes, only I don’t have the Oreos OR the liners. So I called Wal-mart and went back and got the stuff, only having to stand in line for another 10 minutes…
I got in line, and of course, there are 6 people in front of me. So I’m waiting in line, and here comes these 2 very large ladies who I am hoping were drunk, and not that obnoxious sober. But then again its late night at Wal-mart so who really knows. These ladies were going on and on about how they had back and shoulder problems and, blah, blah, blah, they were just pure annoying. The two guys in front of me were saying how they need to start recording visits to Wal-mart so they could have a good laugh later, because of all the weird people late night.  
Well I finally get my stuff and get home and it’s already 2:30…so I finally get to start baking. The overall process to making these are really simple. The batter is just chocolate cake mix and you follow the directions on the box, and then you add chopped up Oreos to the mix. After you put the liners in the pan you place an Oreo at the bottom of every one, and pour the batter over the Oreo,so it’s like a surprise in every bite! (I used 1/4 cup to measure the batter and got exactly 24 cupcakes)The frosting is just homemade cream cheese frosting (I am not a big fan btw I prefer butter cream) which Jesse likes a lot, so I made it that way. After you add everything to the frosting you are suppose to add more chopped Oreos to it, so its cookies n’ cream. I used my food processor, instead of trying to chop them up, which made things go WAY faster! For baking time I just followed the box directions. I checked them after 18 minutes and the toothpick came out with a lot of batter still on it so I cooked them for another 7 minutes and they were perfect! (I didn’t finish baking and cleaning up until 5:30am)
 After I frosted them I just couldn’t resist trying one, and OH MY GOSH they were good! The froting was a bit much though(I should of used WAY less...overpowering kind of) Taste wise, the frosting wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be, it was kind of tart though, and I read somewhere, that if you use unsalted butter it helps so it’s not as tart. I personally think butter cream frosting would have been better!  
This is the website with the recipe on it

MMMM! Frosting!


Suprise in every bite!
Big tip: when putting the ground up oreos into the frosting MAKE sure there are no chunks of cookie in the mix or it will clump up when you are trying todecorate with the frosting bag!

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